Author: Dale Carnegie
ISBN: 978-1439199190
A business classic from 1936. This was the first business/ sel-helf book that I've read. Most of today's books are a mere re-packaging of the ideas from this book! Well worthy of your read!
[I've read this book in paper form. Instead of the usual excerpts I am providing my notes and thoughts.]
Don't criticize.
Accept the critic, admitt mistakes.
Honestly praise others and thank them.
Inspire others to do the things you want yourself. Present them what is in it for them.
Honest interest in other people and selfless help.
Say hello to people, speak in happy tone. [Many successful people don't know that what they're selling is their energy.]
Take care for others and others will take care for you.
You are as happy as you are contect with what you have.
Remember the name and surname of the person you're spaking to. People love to hear their name.
Be attentive listener. Foster others to talk about themselves and things that interest them.
Make people feel important.
Avoid verbal conflicts.
Don't argue even if the other person is wrong.
Let the others win, even if you're better.
Accept other people's opinions; never say to anybody they're wrong.
Accept your mistake even before they're noticed or raised by the others.
First praise then ask for lower price.
Speak with person in a way that his first few answers will be positive.
Don't sell to people. Instead, let them decide for you.
Make people believe it was their idea in the first place.
Always asses the situation from perspective of the other person.
Actions, not words.
When making a point, make a vivid practical example. Be clear and concise.
If you want people to be more productive, rely on ingrained people's competitiveness.
Before you criticize a person, praise it first.
Make people realize their mistakes indirectly; don't make direct confrontation.
Before you criticize the others expose your weaknesses first.
Proposal instead of order.
Let people save their honor.
Encourage people, magnify achievements, reduce mistakes.
If you want to improve someone's actions, talk with him like he is already acting this way. E.g. praise his timeliness, precision etc.
Tell a person you think well of him and he will behave well with you.