On risk

2020-08-16T09:03:12+00:00August 16th, 2020|

Media praises entrepreneurs as people who pulled it off in spite of all the odds against them. Surely, entrepreneurs are risk takers, right? If there is a 90+% chance that you lose your earnings, reputation, career opportunities, possibly even your family, you must be a lunatic to do it, right? It depends. If entrepreneur is motivated by some external reward (money, career, status, fame) then yes, he has to be an [...]

How not to do marketing

2020-07-21T19:29:39+00:00July 9th, 2020|

A few days ago I stumbled upon this video on LinkedIn. It is a presentation (marketing) video for a German department of one of the largest law firms. I was expecting to see the best marketing practices in action. I was really disappointed. The makers of the video should have known better. Here are the the most obvious failures: 1. Don't talk, demonstrate! Words are cheap. Especially when they [...]